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She reached down into her panties and held the on button down to turn on the a stone tossed into a pond. She pressed the button again to cycle through seven vibration patterns until she found her favorite. Then she slid her finger the pulsing pleasure work its magic on her most intimate region. She thought she would explode. The vibrations rose and flickered, bringing her close to climax. She held her breath and thought about how good it felt. And no one around her knew. She walked until her knees felt weak. She sat down and placed her hand over her mouth she didnt trust herself not to scream as her orgasm edged closer and closer. Oooohhhhhh! She held her breath as one, two, three waves of powerful back-to-back orgasms filled her with sensual wonder, leaving her warm and wet. This went beyond simple sexual pleasure this was mystical, special, wonderful.
Its all about Her.