Vee International Inc Vibrators Blush Performance 5 in Packer Tan
As a woman, you deserve to feel confident and comfortable all day long. That's why we've created the Performance 5 Inch Packer - a soft and realistic way to pack that delivers the natural-looking bulge you desire. With its premium body-safe TPE material, you can trust that there are no harmful chemicals. Plus, the realistic skin texture and tinted head add an extra lifelike effect that will leave you feeling more confident than ever. And thanks to its compatibility with packer underwear, you can enjoy comfortable wear all day long.
5 Inch Length x 1.25 Inch Width for natural-looking bulge.
Soft and Comfortable for All Day Wear, Packer Underwear Compatible.
Realistic skin texture and tinted head for extra lifelike effect.
Made from TPE.
So go ahead, take charge of your day and experience the comfort and confidence you deserve.