Zero Tolerance Triple Thick Cockrings VibratorsZero Tolerance Triple Thick Cockrings VibratorsZero Tolerance Triple Thick Cockrings Vibrators

Zero Tolerance Triple Thick Cockrings Vibrators

These bold cock ring shapes keep your erection harder and lasting longer! The circle & hexagon have pleasure grooves inside for added stimulation while the star gives you an extra thrill with its layered textures. The thick design stays put at the base of your shaft to improve your game while you focus on having the best sex of your life! 3 thick, stretchy cock rings 3 different shapes: circle, hexagon & star Grooves & layers for added pleasure Thick desgin stays put at base of shaft Hexagon: Length 1.5" Depth .78" Width 1.5" Circle: Length: 1.5" Depth .78" Width 1.5" Star: Length: 1.5" Depth .78" Width 1.5"